What is a justified resignation?

​A justified resignation is a resignation resulting from one of the following grounds:

  1. Resignation due to the health condition, impairment of the claimant or one of his family member.
  2. Resignation given because of a significant worsening of work conditions, or other reasons related to work relationships for which one cannot ask the employee to continue his work.
  3. Change in place of residence or place of work, when the distance between workplace and the new place of residence is above 60 km. For mothers of children up to 7 years old - when the distance is above 40 km. To calculate distances between cities, one can use this calculator
  4. Sexual harassment in the workplace

Important information!

A justified resignation may entitle the unemployed to unemployment benefits since the first day of registration with Employment Service, and not after 90 days.
To learn more about justified resignation by target population, click here.